Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Camping and Frisbee Golf in Virginia

Camping is something that Josh and I love! We went a handful of times while we lived in Virginia! We had a blast! So did little John!  
 They had a frisbee golf course at the campground and WE HAD A BLAST playing it!!!!

You can't tell in this picture but John has on about 5 layers to help keep him warm!! He was bundled up like a little marshmello!

Josh was just trying to scare off the bears :) it worked!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

@ the PaRk with DaD!!!

 He loves swinging at the park!!
 down the slide with Dad
 These two are so cute together and have such a blast

our little sTuD MuFfiN

 Already cute,
but with a tie.....................
 just can't get enough of him!!
our little stud muffin!