Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fun day at Virginia Beach

 Chilly ocean breeze!!
 Hangin out on the sand :)


 We went to the Aquarium :) JK had a fun time looking at all the fishes, Josh had a fun time acting like one :)

Family Fall Fotos :)

 There's a fun park just a mile from our apartment with tons of trees. It was the perfect photo spot!

Josh's Helicopter Ride!!

 He loved his Birthday Helicopter Ride! His instructor told him he was amazed that he had only 13.5 flight hours because he flew SO WELL! :) Josh was worried he would have forgotten a lot that he learned because it's been almost 8 months since he's flown last :) it all came back!! He says "It's like riding a bike!" :)

 He flew for an hour, it ended right at sunset, and he landed it perfectly ALL BY HIMSELF!! It was so fun to watch from the ground!

Trip to DC :)

We had a wonderful time inside the DC temple! It was so beautiful!!
 Arlington cemetery. It really is sacred ground there. We got teary eyed, especially with Josh in his uniform
 above: Tomb of the unknown Soldier

 The trip was quick! But it deepened our appreciation for our wonderful nation, and for those who fought to make it that way!!

Dad feeding baby :)

 They had fun making a HUGE MESS :) I had fun watching, and then cleaning it up after :)

Happy Halloween!

 For dinner we had an OGRE! We had ogre feet (meet loaf in the shape of giant ogre feet) Sliced Ogre heart (canned peaches) Ogre ear wax (green mashed potatoes, and Ogre blood (Fanta :) with dry ice ) and for dessert we had Ogre eye balls:  (don nut holes covered in white chocolate)

 JK was a hamburger for Halloween :)
 The Ogre didn't quite fill Josh up, so he had some baby
ham-BOO-ger :)
And Josh was "Burger KING" King of all Burgers :) And I was burger Queen :)

little Mr Smiley*

Such a happy little guy :)

Hard Worker!

This project was created by Josh. It looks small.... but it takes a lot of hard hard work!! He can't be off on ANY of the MEASUREMENTS by 1/64 of an INCH!! This is one of his projects that he DID REALLY WELL ON! I am so proud of him :)
Oh and his right eye is a little orange as you can see because earlier that day he got a piece of metal in his eye! OUCH, they rushed him to the emergency room in an ambulance, and took care of him. It's a bit orange due to the soap they used, and the drops he was given to numb the pain
 Like father like son :)
love my army boys :)